An imam and pastor spread tolerance

Sometimes common ground is actually not the right goal. Rather, bringing about tolerance and understanding among those of opposing views is the place to focus because how people view those that differ rather than the differences themselves is the problem. These two gentlemen found common ground in the need to address exactly that problem. Our political leaders in the US, for sure, need to find common ground on the challenging issues the nation faces. But they would be well served to also take a page out of the book being written by Mr. Wuye and Mr. Ashafa and work on finding, demonstrating and promoting the respect necessary for working together. Read the article

Ex-Congress Members Urge Present Ones To Behave Better

A group of former Capitol Hill lawmakers is hoping to shame current members of Congress into behaving better in their campaigns, according to a report in Politico: The report says that more than 130 former lawmakers calling themselves Former Members of Congress for Common Ground have signed a letter asking current lawmakers to cease and desist from partisan sniping and overheated campaign attacks. Read more about it HERE

Art Laffer and Jared Bernstein seek common ground

Art Laffer and Jared Bernstein, panelists on Common Ground Committee’s upcoming 2012 Public Forum, find “common ground” on CNBC’s “The Kudlow Report”

The Groundswell for Increased Civility

The politesse movement to get more civility into our contentious public debates is not about being “nice.” It’s about getting some long overdue work done. Read more