Common Ground Committee Common Grounder Blog Across the Aisle

Across the Aisle

Common Ground Committee Common Grounder Blog Across the Aisle

On November 7, 2023, the ‘Across the Aisle’ forum, moderated by our Co-Founder and CFO, Erik Olsen, and hosted by Allstate, brought together political leaders from both sides of the aisle to engage in meaningful dialogue. At a time when divisions are deep, this event highlighted the importance of collaboration and consensus-building.

“Moderating the ‘Across the Aisle’ forum, I was heartened to see a dialogue that mirrors the mission of Common Ground Committee: to bridge divides. The constructive exchange between party representatives clearly demonstrated the progress we can achieve through collaborative effort.” – Erik Olsen

Representatives Troy Carter (D-LA) and Garret Graves (R-LA) were pivotal at the ‘Across the Aisle’ forum, showing how divergent political ideologies can find common ground. Their cooperative dialogue, tackling mutual concerns like coastal conservation, emphasized the forum’s objective to foster policy consensus that resonates with our collective values and bolsters our communities.

The ‘Across the Aisle’ forum didn’t just highlight the pressing priorities of Louisiana; it also underscored the enduring spirit of American collaboration. Such events carve paths for significant change, powered by shared values and a commitment to the common good.