#InThisTogether During Covid19

By Bruce Bond and Erik Olsen

#InThisTogether. That’s a “hashtag” circulating widely through social media right now. 

We love the spirit of that phrase and the message of reassurance it sends. We consider this not from the view of being “in a crisis” but rather the idea that when problems in a community arise, people’s natural reaction is to help and support rather than exploit the situation to serve a personal agenda or opportunity. This is why so many of our leaders are making the firm declaration that we will get through this current challenge even as they update us on the problem.

This conviction that we’ll be ok is not mere wishful thinking. Helping and supporting each other is one of America’s great strengths. It has enabled Americans to accomplish great things both nationally and internationally, seize previously unseen opportunities, and successfully navigate through extraordinarily difficult times.

In that spirit, and the spirit of Common Ground Committee’s motto, “bringing light, not heat to public discourse” we hope you and all of America will set aside any political differences and let your ability to help and support shine brightly in all that you do as you navigate through this situation in your own experience. As you do so, we encourage you to follow the requests of authorities, be present for your family and consider how you can help those around you and in your community who might be dealing with more disruption than others.

This is, indeed, a time of great challenge. But we can be confident that we will emerge from this experience stronger, wiser and closer as a people because, in the end, we are all #InThisTogether.

Chris Wallace and Maggie Haberman on the Value of a Common Ground Committee Event

Our Co-Founder and CEO Bruce Bond talks with our Finding Common Ground on Facts, Fake News & the Media forum panelists Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday and Maggie Haberman of the New York Times about the value of modeling civil, real-time conversation on difficult topics.



Community Takeaway: Jonathan Ferziger

Jonathan Ferziger attended our Finding Common Ground on Facts, Fake News & The Media forum on February 25, 2020, at Columbia University School of Journalism featuring New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace on the role we all play in moving forward through today’s explosive era of modern journalism.

Jonathan liked the event’s goal of enriching civil discourse, and his views were shaken up in a positive way by seeing two prominent journalists from news outlets representing very different perspectives interact as friendly colleagues.

Jonathan Ferziger on what he took away from our Finding Common Ground on Facts, Fake News & The Media forum:



Community Takeaway: Susan Doubilet

Susan Doubilet attended our Finding Common Ground on Facts, Fake News & The Media forum on February 25, 2020, at Columbia University School of Journalism featuring New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace on the role we all play in moving forward through today’s explosive era of modern journalism.

Susan was inspired by the event’s fairness and civility, and by these two top political journalists’ commitment to getting the facts right rather than focusing on opinions.

Susan Doubilet on what she took away from our Finding Common Ground on Facts, Fake News & The Media forum:



Community Takeaway: Reed Alexander

Reed Alexander attended our Finding Common Ground on Facts, Fake News & The Media forum on February 25, 2020, at Columbia University School of Journalism featuring New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace on the role we all play in moving forward through today’s explosive era of modern journalism.

Reed, a journalism student at Columbia, was inspired to see two powerhouse journalists from outlets many consider to be at opposite ends of the political spectrum agree on so many key points; showing that it is possible to find common ground, even in a fractious media landscape.

Reed Alexander on what he took away from our Finding Common Ground on Facts, Fake News & The Media forum:



Community Takeaway: Zoe Chiriseri

Zoe Chiriseri attended our Finding Common Ground on Facts, Fake News & The Media forum on February 25, 2020 at Columbia University School of Journalism featuring New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace on the role we all play in moving forward through today’s explosive era of modern journalism.

In a time when viewers are used to seeing polarization and extreme opinions, Zoe was interested to watch two journalists from very different outlets find strong common ground on the central tenets of news reporting – objectivity, and reporting facts as they are.

 Zoe Chiriseri on what she took away from our Finding Common Ground on Facts, Fake News & The Media forum:



Community Takeaway: Matt Fay

Student Matt Fay attended our Finding Common Ground on the New Cold War forum on November 19, 2019, at George Mason University to hear General David Petraeus and Ambassador Susan Rice discuss foreign policy at a time of rising international tension.

Matt explained how events like these are necessary to bring people together and show us how, in a time of polarization, we can and will be able to come together and make it through.

 Matt Fay on what he took away from our Finding Common Ground on the New Cold War event:



Community Takeaway: Hannah Adamson

Student Hannah Adamson attended our Finding Common Ground on the New Cold War forum on November 19, 2019, at George Mason University to hear General David Petraeus and Ambassador Susan Rice discuss foreign policy at a time of rising international tension.

Hannah explained how events like these help her studies, showing how the theories she discusses in class have real-life applications.

 Hannah Adamson on what she took away from our Finding Common Ground on the New Cold War event:



Community Takeaway: James Suber

Student James Suber attended our Finding Common Ground on the New Cold War forum on November 19, 2019, at George Mason University to hear General David Petraeus and Ambassador Susan Rice discuss foreign policy at a time of rising international tension.

James said General Petraeus’s comments on “mutually beneficial” relationships when it comes to China struck him on a personal level. Here’s why.

 James Suber on what he took away from our Finding Common Ground on the New Cold War event:



Community Takeaway: Molly Reed

Student Molly Reed attended our Finding Common Ground on the New Cold War forum on November 19, 2019, at George Mason University to hear General David Petraeus and Ambassador Susan Rice discuss foreign policy at a time of rising international tension.

Molly says events like these make her hopeful and optimistic that, one day, politicians can sit down and have a productive conversation like this. Get her take.

 Molly Reed on what she took away from our Finding Common Ground on the New Cold War event: