The key to common ground is listening. But what is the key to listening?

Very inciteful point here by progressive political commentator and think tank Movement Vision Lab CEO Sally Kohn, who was also a Fox News Contributor. Political correctness is fine but of no value to anyone without what Ms. Kohn calls “emotional correctness”. That is, the willingness to understand an opposing position and why one’s opponent has that view. Listening is the critical skill in finding common ground. But without the emotional correctness Ms. Kohn describes, listening is not possible. Everyone has the capability to listen, but we hope more will demonstrate that capability and “seek first to understand, then to be understood” as Stephen Covey put it in The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People.

An Icon of Progressive Politics Reaches Out to Conservative Friends

Joan Blades is a co-founder of MoveOn.Org, widely recognized as a standard bearer for progressive politics. However, Ms. Blades is also what we call a “common grounder” having co-founded Living Room Conversations, an organization dedicated to transforming “distrust and discord into understanding — paving the way for collaborative solutions”.

In this piece from the Christian Science Monitor (Common Ground Committee’s media partner) Ms. Blades elegantly makes a compelling case for building relationships that enable the discovery of common ground. Bravo, Ms. Blades!

Being a Good Scout – How the BSA is approaching the Hottest Issue in America

Few topics are as heated today as that of immigration. And while the controversy centers around a ban on incoming residents of seven predominately Muslim nations, the conversation has led to a national debate on who has the right to live here and who should be denied.

The Boy Scouts of America – no stranger to other current disputes – offers each summer an International Camp Staff Program where scouts from around the world are invited to lead a summer BSA camp. It is positioned as an opportunity for scouts from other countries to share cultures and becomes a chance to show American openness and hospitality. Many of these camps are in states that support President Trump’s immigration policies and have less exposure to immigrants than the coastal states. This kind of work nurtures the “light” we seek and helps cool the “heat” we want to purge from public discourse.

In stormy Senate, a timely moment of truce

Bi-partisan admiration expressed for Senator Hatch suggests there is “light” in the Senate. Read the article HERE

How to Prevent Gun Deaths? Where Experts and the Public Agree

To make progress when an issue is emotionally charged it is crucial to find “low-hanging fruit” – solutions that are palatable to both sides and are likely to have a positive impact.

This piece from the New York Times does just that on the issue of how to prevent gun deaths. It lays out 29 gun control ideas in a way that shows how popular they are among the public and the degree to which experts in the field believe those ideas, if implemented, would be effective. Ideas with high popularity and high effectiveness are great “low-hanging fruit” possibilities. We applaud this kind research and reporting because it enables people – including leaders and decision-makers – to go beyond talking points. Of course, emotional arguments without the facts will still be made. But armed with this kind of data, it is easier to cut through those arguments and make the case for meaningful change.